SI Joint Stretches For Pain Relief And Exercises To Avoid.

SI joint exercises are very helpful for reducing SI joint pain (or lower back hurting). Medication and physical therapy piece of work mitt in hand to assistance you go relief from this pain and better the quality of your life. Start doing SI joint exercises every solar day, and the hurting will reduce to a meaning degree. But, don't practise just whatever exercise. Do the exercises recommended by doctors and physiotherapists to increment your range of motion and reduce hurting. Scroll down to check out which exercises you need to do.

What Is SI Joint Pain?

SI joint hurting is a chronic lower back pain that radiates along the lower hip, groin, and/or upper thighs.

The SI joint or sacroiliac joint tin can be felt at your lower back where the 2 dimples are visible. Information technology joins the spine with the hips and is filled with synovial fluid for lubrication and unhindered movement of this joint.

As you age, the ligaments stiffen, and the cartilage wears down. This causes the basic to rub confronting each other, causing severe pain. SI joint hurting tin can also be caused due to an injury, hip/spine surgery, pregnancy and childbirth, autoimmune diseases, wearing wrong footwear, and wrong posture.

So, how do you get rid of this constant, nagging pain? Do these 12 effective and pain-relieving SI joint exercises regularly. Invest 15 minutes daily, and you will definitely feel ameliorate.

12 SI Articulation Exercises To Reduce Lower Back Pain

one. Hamstring Stretch On Wall

Targets – Hamstrings and glutes

How To Do
  1. Prevarication downward on your back with i leg perpendicularly up and confronting the wall.
  2. Brand sure your hip, back of the thigh, back of the articulatio genus, calf muscle, and heel are pressed against the wall.
  3. You may keep the other leg down or flexed at the knee, co-ordinate to your comfort.
  4. You will feel a stretch in your buttocks, hamstrings, and knees.
  5. Agree the stretch for iii seconds and release.
  6. Do it with the other leg.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of 3 reps

2. Side Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Targets – Quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes

How To Practice

Note: Do this practice with the assistance of your physical therapist.

  1. Lie down on your right with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Concord your left pes with your left hand.
  3. Your physical therapist will concord your human knee to give support.
  4. Slightly push your hips out to experience the stretch in your groin area and the forepart part of your thighs.
  5. Hold it for 10 seconds and release.
  6. Increase the hold time to 30-60 seconds every bit yous progress.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 2 reps

3. Hip Adductor Stretch

Targets – Hip adductors, hip flexors, and glutes

How To Do
  1. Stand up with your legs broad apart.
  2. Identify your hands on your waist. This is the starting position.
  3. Flex your correct knee and transfer the weight to your right and lower your hips.
  4. Become downwards as far equally it doesn't cause sharp pain.
  5. Hold the pose for a moment and get back to the starting position.
  6. Do the same on the left side also.
Sets And Reps

5 sets of 3 reps

iv. Lying Hip Abduction

Targets – Sartorius, glutes, and tensor fascia latae

How To Do
  1. Lie down on your breadbasket on a mat.
  2. Residue your chin on the mat, keep your hands by your side, with the palms facing the ceiling.
  3. Flex your right knee so that your shin is perpendicular to your thighs.
  4. Slowly swing your leg to the left and then correct.
  5. Do this 10 times.
  6. Practise information technology with the other leg.
Sets And Reps

three sets of 10 reps

5. 1 Leg Knee joint To Chest Stretch

Targets – Glutes, hamstrings, and erector spinae

How To Exercise
  1. Lie downwards on your back on a mat. Flex both your knees and keep your anxiety flat on the mat.
  2. Hold the dorsum of your right thigh with both your palms and pull the right knee shut to your chest. Pull equally far every bit yous do not experience a sharp pain.
  3. Agree the stretch for about x seconds and release.
  4. Do this with the other leg.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of six reps

Tip: You may as well do double leg knee to chest stretch.

6. Isometric Hip Adduction

Targets – Hip adductors and glutes

How To Do
  1. Sit on a mat, place your palms behind yous on the mat, and lean back a little.
  2. Flex your knees and place your anxiety apartment on the mat.
  3. Place a gym ball betwixt the two knees. Clasp information technology past bringing your knees close together.
  4. Concur it for 5 seconds. Don't forget to breathe.
  5. Release.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of 5 reps

vii. Hip Flexor Stretch

Targets – Hip flexors and glutes

How To Do
  1. Sit down in a lunge position equally shown in the epitome.
  2. Keep your upper trunk straight.
  3. Lunge forward and feel the stretch in your hamstrings and groin area.
  4. Concur it for 10 seconds and release.
Sets And Reps

three sets of 5 reps

viii. Single Leg Bridge With Resistance Band

Targets – Erector spinae, rectus abdominus, hamstrings, and adductors

How To Do
  1. Sit down on a mat and put a resistance band loop only to a higher place your knees.
  2. Lie down on your back, place your hands by your side, and palms on the mat.
  3. Flex one articulatio genus and place your foot apartment on the flooring. Keep the other leg extended.
  4. Push your hips up and lift your body toward the ceiling. Finish when your hips are in line with your thighs.
  5. Hold it for a moment and then lower your hips on the mat.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of 8 reps

9. Lower Trunk Rotation

Targets – Hip adductors, hip flexors, and glutes

How To Do
  1. Lie down on the mat, identify your hands by your side, and palms flat on the mat.
  2. Flex your knees and place your pes apartment on the floor.
  3. Keeping your body fixed, lower your legs to the right and then left.
  4. You will experience a stretch in your lower and upper dorsum and thighs.
Sets And Reps

three sets of 10 reps

10. Isometric Hip Abduction

Targets – Hip abductors, hip flexors, and glutes

How To Exercise
  1. Sit down on a mat with your back straight and chest up.
  2. Flex your knees, join your soles and pull your feet close to your trunk.
  3. Place your forearms on summit of your thighs and gently press downwardly.
  4. Hold for three-ten seconds and release.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of 5 reps

11. Bird Dog Pose

Targets – Glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors

How To Practice
  1. Get on all fours on a mat.
  2. Slowly lift your left knee off the mat and extend your legs.
  3. When you are comfortable, lift your right palm off the mat and extend your right arm directly alee, with the palm facing down.
  4. Hold this pose for iii-five seconds and release.
  5. Do the aforementioned with the other arm and leg.
Sets And Reps

3 sets of five reps

12. One Leg Twist

Targets – Hip adductors, hip flexors, hip abductors, and glutes

How To Practice
  1. Lie downward on a mat. Flex your knees, and lift your legs off the mat.
  2. Lower your right leg to the right side while keeping the left leg stable.
  3. Bring your right leg dorsum to position then lower your left leg to your left side. Keep the correct leg stable. This completes ane rep.
Sets And Reps

three sets of 8 reps

These are the 12 SI joint pain-relieving exercises. Do these with the help of your physical therapist if yous are recovering from a recent injury. Just keep in mind that there are some exercises that you lot must avoid to prevent further injury. Here'southward the list of exercises you should steer articulate of.

SI Joint Exercises To Avoid

  • Crunches or sit-ups
  • Exercises with a lot of twisting or turning at the hips
  • Heavy weight lifting
  • Excessive biking
  • Tennis and golf


The SI joint is an important joint. If you have pain and inflammation in your hip and groin area or have been injured recently, make sure to run across a physician immediately. Take your medicines regularly and exercise these exercises to recover faster. Your quality of life will as well improve significantly. If you have whatever questions, post them in the comments box. Take intendance!

Frequently Asked Questions

Tin you lot exercise with SI joint pain?

Yes, take help of your physical therapist in the initial stages.

How long does it take for the sacroiliac joint to heal?

It depends on your injury or affliction condition.

Is walking good for sacroiliac articulation pain?

Talk to your doctor to see if you are allowed to start walking yet. but yes walking helps yous to care SI Articulation pain. Start wearisome 20 minutes walk twice in a week.

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Charushila is a senior content author with expertise in diet and fitness. She is an ISSA certified Fitness Nutritionist and... more

Dr. Sudhansu Singh is a Physiotherapist, Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, and Neuro Physiotherapist with eight years of experience. He is... more


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