what does it mean when a doctor refers you to a pediatric dentist


What is a pediatric dentist?

Pediatric dentists are dental specialists who consummate residency training later finishing dental school. As ane of the recognized specialties of the American Dental Association, this boosted training focuses on the age-appropriate treatment of children from infancy to the tardily teenage years, including those who are medically compromised or have special health care needs. You lot can recall of us as a "dental pediatrician" whose mission is to deliver dental care for children of all ages, but especially for the ones who may be very scared or anxious and demand something extra to help them become through their visits.

Pediatric dentists are well-versed in: child psychology, advanced behavior management, facial growth & evolution, diet, diagnosis and prevention of tooth decay, phase-I (interceptive) orthodontics, managing dental trauma, pediatric dental sedation, and hospital dentistry.

In addition, pediatric dentists who are board-certified have passed further voluntary exams to demonstrate their specialized knowledge and skill. Pediatric dentists who obtain board-certification get Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

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Why meet a pediatric dentist?

Did you know that dental caries (tooth disuse) is ane of the near mutual chronic illnesses affecting children all over the globe? Information technology is a transmissible, infectious disease that too happens to be largely preventable!

Like to how children see the pediatrician for well-checks and assessment of developmental milestones, it is important to found a "dental habitation" for your child. A "dental home" is an ongoing relationship betwixt the dentist and the patient that promotes continuous and comprehensive oral health care. Co-ordinate to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children who have a dental domicile are more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral health care.

At Han Pediatric Dentistry, we will work with you and your child by applying the latest scientific bear witness in preventing oral disease and treating information technology when necessary. Nosotros will explain preventative care, oral hygiene instructions, and any needed treatment in simple, piece of cake terms. Your child will experience expert virtually going to the dentist in a rubber and comfortable surround.

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When is the all-time time to bring my child in?

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommend for children to have their starting time dental visit after their start tooth erupts, but no afterward than age one . If your kid is older but has still not seen a dentist, that is OK and we are hither to assist!

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Why are infant teeth then important?

Primary teeth (baby teeth) are very important in maintaining your child'south overall health and quality of life. Untreated oral diseases such as tooth decay and gum affliction volition cause issues that tin can besides damage the developing permanent teeth. Though the commencement baby teeth (in front end) usually shed around historic period 6-7, the rest may not fall out until your child is a teenager.

Diseased infant teeth that are non treated could lead to:

  • Pain and swelling due to infection (could get life threatening)
  • Disturbances in facial growth and development
  • Reduced power to chew food
  • Speech problems
  • Orthodontic problems (teeth shifting and negatively changing the bite)
  • Multiple absences from school!

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Do I need a referral for my child to come see you?

No. Though some patients might be referred to us by their pediatrician or family/full general dentist, a referral is not required. You are welcome to contact us someday to schedule an engagement.

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What happens at the first visit?

Our goal is to brand the first visit as pleasant every bit possible both for you and your child. We realize that every patient is unique and that non everyone has the aforementioned dental needs. If your child is old enough, yous tin let him/her know almost the upcoming visit and that the dentist and staff will respond any questions. Notwithstanding, the fewer specifics your child is told, the improve.


  • If you have had bad dental experiences yourself, y'all practice not need to share those with your kid.
  • NEVER use the words "SHOT," "NEEDLE," "DRILL," or "PULL TOOTH."
  • If the child asks if annihilation will Hurt, say that nosotros will talk to the doctor most it together.
  • Older siblings or friends may tease your child most an upcoming appointment, delight monitor what is said at home.

If your child has any special needs, please make sure to allow us know when y'all brand your appointment and then that we can set aside enough fourth dimension to address all your concerns and needs.

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Why do you need to have 10-rays?

In a nutshell, we cannot diagnose what we cannot see. Dental radiographs (X-rays) are a critical diagnostic tool that shows united states of america what nosotros cannot see with our eyes or feel with our instruments. For case, nosotros cannot see between teeth that are touching or into the jaw bone.

Example X-ray of a child showing a deep cavity that has infected the tooth pulp.

Developing permanent teeth are too visible.

Likewise helping us find cavities that might not be visible to the eye, X-rays are critical in helping u.s. appraise:

  • Developing permanent teeth (sometimes they are missing, growing in the incorrect direction or there might exist actress teeth)
  • Presence of dental abscess (infected tooth/jaw)
  • The extent of an oral injury (identify fractured roots or bone)
  • Bone disease
  • Oral cancer
  • Orthodontic issues needing specialty consultation

At Han Pediatric Dentistry, nosotros are cognizant of whatever concerns you may have regarding Ten-ray radiation. We assure you that nosotros will take utmost precaution to minimize your child's exposure. This is achieved with low-dose, high resolution digital Ten-ray technology that uses 90% less radiation compared to older generation motion picture X-rays used in the past.

Ten-rays are taken on based on your kid's individual diagnosis and chance factors for illness. In general, the lower the chance factors, the less oft they will need to exist updated.

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What do I bring to the outset appointment?

  • Please complete the online patient registration forms prior to your appointment.
  • Referral form (if given by your pediatrician or another dentist)
  • Pediatrician's name and phone number
  • List of whatever medications (fifty-fifty their toothpaste! You lot can accept a pic of it with your jail cell phone)
  • List of whatever allergies to drugs, food, or latex
  • Whatever x-rays taken at another dental office
  • Dental insurance card
  • Please accept the child accompanied past a parent or legal guardian

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What to expect:

Infants and toddlers (under age 3):

  • A big part of this visit will be to identify what you lot as the parent already know about oral health, and inform yous to get you where you should be.
  • We volition connect with your kid and talk over his/her medical history, place your concerns, and go a sense of your kid'due south electric current oral health condition, habits, and risk factors for disease.
  • Dr. Han will perform a comprehensive test while demonstrating proper oral hygiene techniques. This may be performed with the kid in a "lap-to-lap" position with the parent and the medico and so that the parent can meet what the md is seeing. Eventually, our goal is to have your kid seated alone in the chair as presently as he/she is comfortable.
  • Depending on your kid's risk factors for tooth decay and dental diagnosis, topical fluoride may exist recommended and applied.
  • Concerns will be relayed to you regarding harmful habits, risk factors for cavities and/or gum illness, and age-advisable recommendations will be made to address them.
  • Based on the initial diagnosis, Dr. Han will suggest on how frequently we should see your child for checkups.

Children historic period 3 and older:

  • Equally your child allows united states of america to do so, we will perform checkups and cleanings with him/her seated solitary in the big kid chair!
  • Every bit their teeth may start to testify signs of staining or tartar build upwardly, we may have to calibration or "scratch" off the tartar and polish the teeth with different instruments.
  • As soon as your child allows, and if indicated by signs of tooth decay, history of trauma, or other noted pathology, intra-oral x-rays volition be recommended to allow a more definitive diagnosis of your kid's dental health.
  • A treatment plan will be presented with an explanation of findings seen in today'southward visit.

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What is nitrous oxide (laughing gas)?

Nitrous oxide (N2O, or laughing gas) is a safe, adjustable, rapid-onset, and reversible inhaled agent used to reduce anxiety. Delivered through a nose mask, it naturally smells sugariness and allows a patient who is nervous experience more relaxed. This allows ameliorate communication betwixt the doctor and patient during a procedure. It is also very useful in suppressing a sensitive gag reflex. N2O is not meant to make your child autumn asleep, simply keep them awake in a very at-home state in which they can still communicate.

Special instructions for laughing gas:

  • Give your child piddling or no food in the two hours earlier their handling visit. A full stomach can cause nausea or airsickness while on laughing gas.
  • Please let us know if your child has any nasal congestion, nasal obstructions, ear infections, or chronic lung disease prior to their treatment visit.

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What is sedation dentistry?

While many children can tolerate dental checkups and procedures very well, at that place are some who crave sedation in order for quality dental intendance to exist delivered safely and comfortably. Patients who need dental handling under sedation may have:

  • Special healthcare needs
  • Developmental delay or intellectual inability
  • Past traumatic dental experiences
  • High dental anxiety
  • Sensitivities to light, sounds, or tastes
  • Stiff gag reflex
  • Inability to fully open up their mouth
  • Sensitive teeth or difficulty getting numb
  • Extensive treatment needs that may require fillings, crowns, and/or extractions over several visits

Based on your child'southward age, medical history, dental diagnosis and overall treatment needs, Dr. Han will work with you lot to deliver safe and quality dental care. This may be in the form of:

  • Treatment visits in our office with nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • A sedation session in our office with a board-certified anesthesiologist
  • General anesthesia in an operating room setting (Dr. Han has privileges at California Pacific Medical Centre)

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Can I be present in the room during the date?

  • Dr. Han welcomes parents to exist present in the exam room! We want you to have a positive experience along with your child.
  • Notwithstanding...
  • We request for yous to play the function of a "silent helper" as much as possible. Information technology volition be most helpful if your child's attention is directed to one person (the dentist) versus several, and your presence makes a greater bear upon if you play a more passive role during the engagement.
  • You lot may be asked to step out of the room if your presence is working against our behavior management techniques.
  • Nosotros appreciate this opportunity to institute rapport and trust with your child.

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How can I assistance brand the appointment a success?

In general:

  • If your child has any special needs, delight brand certain to let u.s.a. know when you make your engagement so that we can reserve plenty fourth dimension to address all your concerns.
  • Plan to arrive at to the lowest degree 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. This gives you an opportunity to park, make full out any incomplete forms, provide insurance information, let your kid brush his/her teeth, or go potty before beingness seated.
  • Have your child make clean his/her teeth prior to the engagement or clean their teeth for them if they are not old enough. This allows us to accurately assess the quality of daily oral hygiene techniques.
  • If you cannot make the scheduled engagement, please contact united states as soon equally possible to reschedule (at least 24 hours prior to the date).

For handling visits (fillings, extractions, etc):

  • If desired, only one adult volition be allowed in the treatment room for the scheduled procedure.
  • Delight allow Dr. Han and his staff to explain to your child what will happen at this date, especially if there is any anxiety nigh getting treatment. We know that sometimes parents want to "prep" the child before coming, merely this can sometimes lead to misperceptions and increased feet. We will ever answer any questions the kid has and explain things in friendly, non-scary terms.
      • Examples:
          • If you lot have had bad dental experiences yourself, you practice non need to share those with your child.
          • NEVER use the words "SHOT," "NEEDLE," "DRILL," or "PULL Molar."
          • If the child asks if anything will Hurt, say we volition talk to the doctor virtually it together.
  • If your child has a favorite toy, blanket, or doll, you are welcome to bring those to help them feel more comfortable in the chair. You will also be able to stream a favorite movie, video clip, or vocal straight to the TV above them to keep them entertained.
  • If your child will exist receiving treatment with nitrous oxide (laughing gas), please do not give them annihilation huge or heavy to eat before, as they tin can get nauseous with a full stomach.
  • If your kid volition be receiving treatment and yous would like to be present in the room, please only bring the child scheduled for treatment (if you have more than one).
  • Remember that children will sense if you are also nervous/feel negative most their appointment. Delight stay as positive about it as possible and then as not to attribute the dental visit with whatsoever negative feelings or punishment.
  • If you lot cannot brand the scheduled appointment, delight contact u.s. as soon as possible to reschedule (at least 24 hours prior to the engagement).
  • If you take any questions about an upcoming appointment, please phone call and inquire. There are no stupid questions!

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Source: https://www.hanpediatricdentistry.com/faqs

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